新東方中文藝術學院 -- Eastern Art Academy

2017年,获得亚利桑那州立大学音乐学院小提琴表演博士学位,曾先后担任了室内乐助教,小提琴助教和音乐学院“ Herberger弦乐四重奏”第一小提琴。该校的交响乐团首席。
2015年,李晓临以独奏家身份与Tempe Symphonic Wind Ensemble 合作演奏“梁祝”,并获邀参加2016年亚利桑那音乐教育协会独奏演出。
李晓临以四重奏第一小提琴演奏家身份与美国著名的“Brentano 弦乐四重奏” 和 “Ariana 弦乐四重奏” “Julliard 弦乐四重奏” “上海弦乐四重奏”“St. Lawrence 弦乐四重奏” 合作演出。
李晓临所在的“Herberger 弦乐四重奏”代表亚利桑那州唯一一组四重奏获邀参加瑞士艺术音乐院校的巡回演出。
Dr. Xiaolin Li is currently the violinist of Scottsdale Philharmonic Orchestra. She is also a member of American String Teacher Association. Dr. Li graduated and received a doctoral degree in Violin Performance from Arizona State University (ASU) under Professor Danwen Jiang. She served as Violin Teaching Assistant, Chamber Music Teaching Assistant, first violinist of graduate quartet “Herberger String Quartet” as well as the concertmaster of ASU symphony orchestra during her doctoral studies. In 2013, she was the winner of the concerto competition and debuted with ASU symphony orchestra as a soloist in 2014. Dr. Li was invited to play “Butterfly Violin Concerto” with Tempe Symphonic Wind Ensemble in 2015. In 2016, Dr. Li participated and played in the Arizona Music Education Association as a soloist. Most recently, Dr. Li received invitation to play a concert with Scottsdale Philharmonic Orchestra as a soloist in 2019. Dr. Li has been working and collaborating with the most renowned String Quartets, such as “Julliard String Quartet”, “Shanghai Quartet”, Brentano String Quartet”, “St. Lawrence String Quartet” and “Ariana String Quartet”.